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The Psychology of Crypto Investing: FOMO, FUD, Loss Aversion & More

29 Apr, 2024 5 min read
The Psychology of Crypto Investing: FOMO, FUD, Loss Aversion & More

The crypto world is fascinating and luring for multiple reasons. However, one of the key factors that make people put their funds in digital assets is the possibility of capitalising on their investments. The crypto world is known for its volatility, where impressive rises and unexpected falls are the norm. Understanding the market dynamics is the norm when you navigate the complexities of the rapidly evolving landscape. From FOMO and FUD to Loss Aversion and Risk Tolerance, understanding the psychology of investing in cryptocurrency is increasingly important for investors who want to make rational decisions in a space where emotions run high.

Psychology of Crypto Trading Emotional Factors

We all are human beings, and it’s it's normal to fear losing what you possess, especially if these are crypto assets you’ve you've earned while trading. While most traders and crypto investors are mainly focused on the technical aspects of dealing with cryptocurrency, the psychology of investing is often neglected. 

Let’s Let's get the investment psychology explained. Trading psychology studies emotions and mental health affecting your trading decisions. It investigates the trader’s trader's emotional responses to the events caused by successful wins, losses, and market volatility. The study learns how you emotionally reflect on the market dip and what impulsive decisions follow your reaction. 

The Psychology of Crypto Investing

The most common emotional factors investigated by the psychology of crypto trading include the following. 


Fear is one of the most common emotions experienced by crypto investors. It emerges as a result of negative news and bearish market trends. Investors commonly fear losing money and missing out on potential gains, which results in impulsive decisions, like selling assets the moment they should be bought at a lower cost. This is the most common mistake made by new crypto investors who have not learned the market trends and tendencies well enough. Fear-driven decision-making often leads to selling at low prices. 


FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is the most common emotional response of investors trying to jump onto the bandwagon without conducting proper due diligence. By learning the psychology of FOMO crypto, an investor will never buy into overhyped assets at inflated prices. 


FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) refers to spreading misleading information to instil fear, uncertainty, and doubt among crypto investors. By emotionally reflecting on potential risks, investors can start selling in a panic. 

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Greed in crypto psychology refers to the desire to take unnecessary risks. As a rule, investors feel free to watch the crypto prices on the continuous upward trend, pushing them to feel greedy to maximise their gains. Greed-driven decisions result in investing in risky assets without proper research. Such investment decisions may seem profitable at first. However, they may result in significant losses when the prices correct. 

Loss Aversion

Loss aversion is the tendency of investors to avoid losses by buying equivalent gains. It leads to risk-averse behaviour and the tendency to sell assets at a loss. In the crypto market, loss aversion contributes to hodling even during periods of bearish trends. 

Understanding these emotional factors impacting your buying or selling decisions is the first step to mastering the psychology of crypto investing. It’s It's mostly about understanding the following: “"What is the point of investing at a specific moment?” ?" and how to strike a balance between emotions and logic. 

Falling victim to these emotional responses can significantly affect your investment decisions. In addition to learning the psychology of investing, you should practice discipline and keep calm in all questions related to trading and investing in cryptocurrency. Developing a well-thought-out investment strategy and sticking to it whatever happens should help you avoid making impulsive, emotion-driven decisions. 

Emotional Management Strategies for Crypto Investors

The ability to manage emotions is a vital skill for every crypto investor. Consider the following emotional management strategies to ensure that strategy drives your decisions rather than emotions. 

  • Set clear goals for your trading. Decide what you want to accomplish, whether building long-term wealth or making a specific amount of money. Having clear goals helps you stay on track and avoid letting emotions sway your decisions.
  • Create a solid trading plan that outlines your strategies, how much risk you're comfortable with, and when to enter and exit trades. This plan acts as a guide, encouraging you to stick to disciplined trading and resist impulsive moves based on emotions.
  • Stick to your plan once you've made it. Following the crowd or panicking during market swings is tempting, but straying from your plan often leads to regret. Trust the strategy you've developed through rational analysis rather than acting on fleeting emotions.
  • Keep a journal of all your trades, noting why you made them, what happened, and how you felt then. Looking back at this journal helps you spot any emotional habits or triggers, so you can learn from past experiences and make smarter choices in the future.

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Decision-Making Tips in the Crypto Psychology

Fear and greed are among the significant factors affecting crypto investors’ investors' decision-making. To avoid falling victim to your emotions and prevent yourself from selling assets during a market dip, consider the following tips for wise decision-making. Mastering the psychology of investing is easier when you have a checklist of actions without letting emotions mitigate your trading decisions. 

  • The moment you feel like you are about to make an emotion-driven decision, take a step back, cool down and analyse the situation with a clear mind. 
  • Refer to your trading plan and check if the actions you plan to take align with it. This will help you avoid making emotion-driven buying or selling decisions. 
  • Ask for a fellow trader’s trader's opinion. If you have someone you can ask for advice, you’d you'd better do it to find a new perspective and avoid bias. 
  • Set stop-loss and take-profit orders to manage risks and avoid letting emotions take over logic. 
  • Never stop learning. Discover new trends in the crypto market. A deeper understanding of crypto cycles and tendencies will give you the confidence needed for making knowledge-based decisions rather than following emotions. 

psychology of investing

How to Make Better Trading Decisions with StormGain

StormGain, a comprehensive crypto trading platform, offers a variety of tools that can significantly aid in making informed and emotionally balanced trading decisions. Here are some of them:

  1. Crypto Trading with Leverage. StormGain allows you to access the 50 most popular cryptocurrencies and provides the highest leverage on the market, up to 300x for BTC.
  2. Trading Signals. StormGain offers free crypto trading signals developed by its experts. These signals have precise Stop Loss and Take Profit levels and a forecast accuracy of 70%.
  3. Professional Technical Analysis Tools can help increase your profitability. They allow you to analyse the current market situation with charts.
  4. Stop-loss and Take-Profit Options allow you to set predetermined selling points, preventing emotional decision-making during price swings.
  5. Trading Ideas tool enables you to use current market data to open several simultaneous trades.
  6. Using Wallets, StormGain provides an easy way to secure, manage, and exchange your multi-currency funds.
  7. Benefit from Zero Trading Commissions when you open new orders.
  8. You can access all the popular cryptocurrencies 24/7.

Final Thoughts on the Psychology of Crypto Investing

Becoming a successful crypto trader is not limited to becoming an expert at analysing charts. It’s It's also about taking control of emotions and mastering the psychology of investing. Preventing emotions from taking control over your investing decisions is an indispensable skill that allows investors to achieve long-term success in the volatile crypto market. 

If you want new investment opportunities and a crypto trading platform to make informed investing decisions, consider signing up for StormGain. Consider using our secure wallets, handy crypto trading tools and signals, and follow our educational materials to achieve the maximum results in crypto trading. Never stop learning and attaining new knowledge and skills. Become an expert in mastering the psychology of crypto investing, and make informed decisions that are never driven by emotions. 

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