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Bitcoin reclaims $47k

10 Feb, 2021

Bitcoin has been holding a steady range to far today, covered by 46k to 47k for most of the morning so far, but it has traded well below that earlier in Asia today. The price is now rising back above 47k in trade, right as this is being typed and it looks like someone has the bit between the teeth once again. If it can get above the earlier high which is now looming, then it might have the potential to launch another go at making a move to 50k. That, despite the fatwah from Elon Muck and Tesla this week, has proved a bridge too far, but a rise above 47,600 could deliver another test of the most recent high just above 48k seen yesterday. The trend higher is clearly still very much intact for the time being. Bitcoin is just now trading at 47,300

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