Diversify your portfolio with tokenised assets
Trade some of the most popular derivative contracts: tokenised commodities. Use the power of StormGain to expand and diversify your portfolio with tokenised gold and silver, improve risk management and mitigate the effects of crypto volatility.
Tokenized commodities
See live tokenized commodities' price charts. Gold and Silver prices in Tether (USDT) on StormGain.com
What are tokenized assets?
Tokenized assets are derivative contracts whose value corresponds to the value of the specific underlying asset. Typical examples of tokenized assets on StormGain include: Gold and Silver. When the price of the underlying commodity rises or falls, the same happens with the price of its derivative contract. As such, trading tokenized commodities can generate profits to the same extent as traditional assets.
StormGain News
11 Sep, 2024 8 min read
09 Sep, 2024 13 min read