Exchange in StormGain

Save money on every crypto exchange you make

We have one of the easiest registration flows

Charts, live trades, depth of market analysis available
Exchange Cryptocurrency at the Best Rate
Convert Other Cryptocurrencies
StormGain’s built-in wallet provides a simple way to secure, manage and exchange your funds whenever and wherever you want. All you need to do is register and deposit your assets!
How do I buy cryptocurrency on StormGain?
To buy crypto on StormGain, all you need to do is create an account, search for the 'Buy crypto with credit card' button in the app or web platform and then you use your debit/credit card to buy crypto and add funds to your account.
How do I register on StormGain?
Registering is very easy. Start by going to or download the StormGain app in Google Play or the App Store. After that, fill in the form with your e-mail address, password and phone number and enter a promo code if you have one.
Do I need to go through verification to join the exchange?
Unlike other platforms where you need to go through multiple verification checks that can last several days before you can start trading, StormGain makes crypto trading easier by allowing you to enter the crypto market immediately after you complete the quick registration with your e-mail address and password.
How can I calculate the cost of conversion?
To calculate exchange fees, use StormGain's built-in calculator. Enter the amount of currency you'd like to exchange, and the calculator will display how much crypto you'll get, the exchange rate and the commission amount.
StormGain has one of the lowest commission rates on the market. Visit our ‘Fees & limits' page to learn more
What advantages does StormGain's cryptocurrency exchange platform offer?
To buy crypto on StormGain, all you need to do is create an account, search for the 'Buy crypto with credit card' button in the app or web platform and then use your debit/credit card to buy crypto and add funds to your account.
What other services does StormGain provide?
As a StormGain client, you’ll be able to take part in the Loyalty program, which combines:
— Up to a 12% interest rate on all crypto stored in your StormGain wallets
— Up to 20% discounts on trading and exchange commissions..
To learn more, visit the Loyalty programme page
Moreover, with the ‘Refer a Friend' programme, you can earn up to 15% on all brokerage fees your friends pay. Learn more here
Not ready to exchange or trade real crypto yet? We offer a demo account to practice trading before you get started for real. The demo account has 50,000 USDT that you can use to test your trading strategies and ideas and get more experience at no cost.
At StormGain, we want our clients to succeed. That's why we prepare educational courses for beginners and those who just want to know more about crypto markets.
StormGain News
Learn how to make money on the crypto exchange.
The cryptocurrency converter with the lowest fees!
Quickly exchange cryptocurrency at the best rate and the lowest fees with our mobile app or web platform.