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Ether backs away from weekend record as Bitcoin struggles

05 Apr, 2021

On Friday Ethereum did make a move and rose above the previous all time record high that was in place at 2037.90. The break above that level came around the time of what would have been the 4pm London FX fix, had there officially been one. That break led to a move to above 2100 ahead of the weekend. The very early Saturday price action saw it rise to reach a new record of 2143. It dropped back from there yesterday, to as low as 1981 before rebounding back close to 2100 again. Today is is just now edging lower once again and clearly being dragged lower by the further, relative underperformance of Bitcoin once again. Despite this interim relapse many analysts expect further relative outperformance from Ether in the near term. It is just now trading at 2026.75

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