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Ether dives through support levels this afternoon

15 Sep, 2022

Earlier today I warned about a potential drop below $1550 on Ether delivering a deeper move and one that could take out the previous interim low at 1491. Well, that move has now played out and the drop below 1550 and 1491 has been rapid. It is still playing out right now as this update is being typed. Ether has just now fallen to as low as 1460.27. It remains to be seen if that is the extent of the fall or not. Looking at the slightly longer term chart on this one, the price has now fallen below its 100 day moving average too. That is in place right now at 1480.95. Beyond the current low an on this daily bar, there really is not much this side of the 1330-1335 in terms of support. So, will it get that low? Hard to say, but remember the world and their dog loved this one only a few hours ago. Well, not anymore it seems

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