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Now Ether has a look below $1800

26 May, 2022

The sell-off in Ethereum (ETHUSD) has now extended further today. Following an earlier update here, not that long ago, the fall seen today has now taken it to below $1800 a few moments ago. The low seen was set at exactly 1797.93. It is just now trying to rebound a little after what has been quite a dramatic sell off. Taken from the top to to the bottom so far, that is more than $170, or more rather approaching a 10% move. The really big noted level, as the reader was reminded on here again earlier, remains at 1700. Of course that is some way off from the current price, but make no mistake it is very much on the radar this afternoon. The question now; is has it done enough on the downside for today? That remains to be seen. ETHUSD is currently trading at $1,813

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