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Ether below $3000 today

28 Sep, 2021

The failure of BTC to make any further progress yesterday and again so far today has arguably been delivered by the drop back below $3000 in the price of Ethereum (ETHUSD). Of course Ether is being impacted by the very same negative drivers as BTC but it is not clear which is leading the other lower so far today. On first appearances it seems like it is Ether as the relative price between the two has swung in favour of BTC. The drop back below $3000 does reopen the prospect of the interim, wider 2700-3300 range being put to the test at the lower end and looking at the chart dynamic right now, it does not appear that it would take too much to deliver that. However, and as we know, there is a significant vested interest not to see that happen. It might simply boil down to irresistible force meeting immovable object at some point as the session unfolds. For now, the downside has the upper hand it seems. ETHUSD is currently trading at $2,892

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