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Season's Greetings from StormGain! Take a look back on the year with us

29 Dec, 2021

It's that time of the year! Every one of us at StormGain would like to extend our sincere and heartfelt holiday greetings to all our valued clients. Whether you're a long-standing client or a new trader, StormGain is proud to have had you along on the journey throughout 2021.

The year has seen many exciting developments in the crypto market, and to provide you with the best opportunities possible, StormGain rolled out a number of exciting features, hit new milestones and won new awards.

None of this would have been possible without our beloved customers, and so, in this time of reflection and gratitude, we invite you to look back with us and celebrate the achievements of the past year. Here are some of StormGain's most significant 2021 moments:

One million users

In October 2021, StormGain surpassed an important milestone: over 1 million active users on the platform! StormGain launched in late 2019 as a new contender in the crypto space, and to reach so many clients worldwide in such little time is a testament to our quality of service and the passion of our community. To each and every user, we salute you!

Ultimate Fintech award

As well as picking up users, StormGain has also collected new awards for its trophy cabinet over the last year. In 2021, StormGain was proud to take home the coveted Best Cryptocurrency Broker award from Ultimate Fintech, an agency that aims to provide a benchmark of quality for the entire global finance industry.

Crypto options

StormGain's mission is to continue to be the best all-in-one crypto platform for everyone. To that end, new types of trading instruments were introduced to the platform this year, including crypto options. StormGain clients can now place Call and Put option orders based on the potential future price of the cryptocurrency, trading on the price changes of a digital asset without having to actually own or hold the asset itself. Crypto options are perfect for traders whose strategy is to profit from price volatility.

Tokenised stocks

Another innovative trading instrument introduced to StormGain in 2021 was tokenised stocks. StormGain users can trade in these company shares and commodities tied to crypto tokens, both to manage risk in crypto trading and to get a foot in the stock market. Now you can trade precious metals and company shares right in your crypto portfolio!

Crypto indices

It's common knowledge in trading that a diverse portfolio is key to success. That's why stock indices (e.g., the S& P 500 or the Dow Jones) is such a popular investment instrument. In 2021, StormGain made diversification easier by introducing crypto indices, each one being a consolidation of 3, 5 or 10 different cryptos, designed to offer a safer investment in the market performance of a whole group of cryptocurrencies rather than a single coin.

Crypto market report

Since launching almost three years ago, StormGain has assembled a team of experts in both the financial and blockchain technology spheres and applied this expertise, along with the experience of the platform, to an analysis of the entire crypto market. The latest result of these efforts was StormGain's Crypto Research 3.0, released in July 2021. This nearly 30,000-word report is packed with useful information and analysis to guide all of our users in their goals to understand the crypto market and profit from it.

New altcoins

Bitcoin (BTC) has continued to hit new all-time highs in recent years, but even more remarkable in 2021 was the success of various altcoins. Blockchain technology is always innovating and producing promising new coins, and StormGain is committed to making the best of them available to our users. This year, the number of altcoins on StormGain grew to over 50 coins, including metaverse tokens such as Axie Infinity (AXS) and Enjin Coin (ENJ), as well as the ascended meme coins Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Islamic accounts

StormGain is proud to count people from all over the world as part of its client base. As part of our mission to make crypto trading easy for everyone, we introduced Islamic trading accounts in 2021. The StormGain Islamic account is swap-free and doesn't incur interest or any rollover commissions. This allows Muslim users to invest in the cryptocurrency market, resting assured that they're upholding their religious convictions.


It might be the worst feeling in the world to lose money on a trade and then have the broker take even more money away via commissions. It's just so unfair. But fairness is one of StormGain's most critical values. That's why we introduced a feature in 2021 to make crypto trading fairer for everyone. Now, commissions on the StormGain platform only apply to profitable trades.

Demo contests

Cryptocurrency trading can be intimidating to newcomers, but practice makes perfect! StormGain regularly offers tournaments and contests to engage our community and give them the chance to earn extra perks and rewards. In February 2021, we challenged users to see who could make the most profit in their StormGain demo account, where everyone can try their boldest strategies in a simulated environment. The top 20 winners will see their StormGain Bitcoin miner speeds supercharged up to the highest levels, just as if they had ranked up to the top tiers of the StormGain loyalty programme. All participants gained the valuable experience of testing their trading tactics and seeing how they measured up against other community members in real market conditions.

What's next?

It's been an exciting year for StormGain, but there is more to come in the year ahead. Our New Year Giveaway with free crypto prizes is still ongoing, and it's not too late to sign up and participate!

We wish all our clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Don't forget to follow this page and our official Facebook and Instagram channel for news of upcoming promotions, features, contests and more in 2022!

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