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StormGain loyalty status: fashion statement or necessity?

18 Feb, 2020 3 min read
StormGain loyalty status: fashion statement or necessity?

As you’ve probably realised by now, StormGain is a company that likes to look after its own. With an already unbeatable commission and fee structure, it’s safe to say that our clients enjoy some of the best terms around. But we aren’t the type to rest on our laurels, which is why we felt we had to find a way to outdo ourselves yet again. And that’s how the StormGain Loyalty Programme was born.

Long story short, we created a range of different statuses to reward our loyal clients even more with a sliding scale of commission discounts and additional bonuses determined by your deposit size and monthly trading volumes. Full details of the benefits and eligibility criteria can be found here.

How does it work?

You can receive the status for which you qualify either shortly after depositing the necessary funds into your account (in case of deposit-determined status) or at 21:00 GMT on any day of the month (in case of volume-determined status). So let’s say your current balance is below 500 USDT: as soon as you deposit enough to take you over the 500 USDT threshold your status will be automatically upgraded to Gold. Alternatively, you could open a position that would take your trading volume above the 150,000 USDT monthly limit and be awarded Gold status at 21:00 GMT that very same day.

How long does it last?

Once you receive your status, it will remain valid for one calendar month counting from the day it was first awarded. At the end of this period, your status may be extended, upgraded or downgraded in line with your total account balance or trading volume. For example, let’s suppose you qualified for Diamond status last month on the basis of your account balance. Well, if you still have 5000 USDT or more in your account (or have traded more than 2,250,000 USDT), you will keep your Platinum status for another month. On the other hand, if your account balance drops below the 5000 USDT threshold and your trading volume doesn’t meet the minimum for Diamond, you will revert back to Platinum status for one month. Got it? Good! 

But is it really necessary?

Like most things with status in the name, there are many who will say it’s just a gimmick or some sort of fashion accessory. But when you look at the amazing advantages that our loyalty programme can offer, it’s clear that anybody stands to gain from acquiring one of our status levels. If you consider that anyone who is serious about investing in crypto is likely to be looking at maintaining a balance of at least $500, then everyone can benefit at the very least from the 5% commission discount our Gold status confers. 

And given that StormGain pays its clients interest equal to 10% APR on all their deposits, you’d have to be mad to choose your bank over us when it comes to selecting a safe place to stash away your spare cash. Just imagine for a moment that you have $5000 languishing away in a savings account, actually losing value thanks to the sub-inflation interest rate. Doesn’t it make much more sense to put it to work in a StormGain wallet? That way, not only will you earn a tidy $500 every year, you can also take advantage of the generous 15% commission discount and bonus available to our Diamond clients should you decide to give trading a go. So what are you waiting for? Join StormGain now and start earning today!

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